Reco McDaniel is a Successful Entrepreneur, Coach, & Speaker. Below is a series of videos made available describing Reco McDaniel's view points on what it takes to go from "Dreams" to "Reality". This series is entitled: 5 Keys to Accomplishing Your Dreams.
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I first was exposed to this video early in 2011 and was pleasantly impressed at how simplified McDaniel brings about his point of views. "Keeping things simple" is a knack that not everyone is able to accomplish since society embeds in our brains that to be smart you have to be able to talk "complicated"; you have to be "complicated"; you have to be everything else but you.
#1 Have a Great Attitude
"Having a Great Attitude is like having a Navigation System"
"The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for the deliverance from fear. It is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without."
When you decide to make changes to yourself, to your life, your biggest obstacle (biggest challenge) is going to be you. With all of things going on around you, will all the things people are saying, what they're thinking, what you're thinking, what you are telling yourself... in the end - it's all about you making that decision and moving forward with it.
"Navigation System" - why did you buy it? Cause you wanted to go somewhere and didn't know how to get there, right? But the Navigation System is telling you to take roads you're not familiar with, all your friends tell you that there's something wrong with this machine cause they've never hear of anyone every having to take this road either... Fear kicks-in and what do you do, you don't listen to your "Navigation System" and continue to make/take detours, voluntarily. Why then did you bother with this system?
Fear is what guides us so strongly that it controls our lives to the point where we believe it's security. "I'm so afraid to go down that road (cause every single voice in my head is screaming DON'T DO IT!!) that I know feel and believe that maybe it's the right decision for me NOT to do it." The unknown is always scary and it'll always be scary until it becomes "known". Choosing not to "take that road" leaves it as an unknown - thus keeping you living in fear and programming in your brain that it's dangerous, that's it's bad, and that you should always remember (keep memory file) that "that road" is to never be taken. ...And why not? Because you were too scared of this unknown and because you weren't able to step beyond this fear, you've forever now programmed in your head that it's 'bad'.
Now that this is programmed in your head - your brain will attract to it all the necessary details to make this "true" cause your brain needs reasons - you told it what (not to go there) so now it's going to look for the why. ...and so how will it do this... it'll bring to you reasons not to go down that road. All of a sudden you'll start hearing 'bad' stories about that road, you'll hear all the negative things that have happened to people who've taken that road, etc... Why are you only hearing these 'negative' things - because that's what you NEED to hear cause you don't want to take it, you NEED to hear those things to justify yourself as to why YOU didn't go there. "Oh ya, did you hear last week about that snow storm? Thank goodness I didn't go down that road who knows what would have happened... I don't know where I would have ended-up!"
"You weren't born with a spirit of FEAR, you were born with a spirit of FAITH", McDaniel continues to explain. "What matters is that you stay on track and you get to the finish line."
Stopping yourself from getting there is all a matter of "you". No one, absolutely no one, can stop you from doing anything or going anywhere unless you allow them to. Excuses, fears, procrastination, blah blah blah... all of these are simply "mind over matter" habits, emotions, etc. that you must choose to control, self-control.
So equip yourself with the proper navigation system that you need (obviously you're not going to buy road maps for Australia if you are going to be navigating in Canada), activate it and then use it. Just remember however that this unit is just that a unit. It's a "source" that will tell you where you're destination is and it'll tell you how to get there - but it doesn't get you there "magically". You have to still get into your car. You still have to drive yourself there. You still have to stop and put in some gas...
What McDaniel is saying here is: " can have a great attitude but if you don't do anything about this great attitude; if you don't do anything about putting gas in to the car, pressing the gas, and getting to where you need to go; it's not going to work for you."
#2 Don't Fight with your eyes closed
Reco McDaniel notes, "One thing people do in life, and the reason why they're not successful, is because they don't recognize things that they should recognize."
- You can only correct what you are willing to confront
- Anything worth having , is worth fighting for
- Most people fight with their eyes closed (in life)
- People want better lives but really don't know how to get it
- Reps in the business not getting trained, going to meetings, quitting but wish for success overnight
#3 Understand that Success is Intentional
- You may have seemed to stumbled onto this business, maybe by accident, but developing your business into a massive success will be on purpose.
#4 Choose State over Fate
- When things happen in life - and they will happen...
"Do I except this as my fate or as a temporary state?"
- If it is my fate I am finished and I should give up.
But instead I answered that I am in a state that I could
fashion, change, & transform I did not succumb, but
rather persevered and moved forward.
#5 Stop listening to unqualified people
"I am who I listen to", McDaniel continues to explains, "and you are who you hang around."
- Sometimes we end up going somewhere because of someone in the backseat of the car.
What he explains here is that, we continuously allow ourselves to "listen" to other people. Listen to people who aren't going anywhere, people who don't have the same visions, the same goals, ...heck they're not even going where we want to go - but we're still listening. We're the ones driving the car and listening to what this backseat driver is telling us and we're going where they're telling us to go!
- Success is not achieving what someone else wants you to achieve, success is about discovering your purpose and achieving it within your lifespan.
- The idea of life is to get the things you see on the inside to happen on the outside.
To summarize, in the end - when all things are said and done. Did you do what you wanted to do? Are you who you "see" yourself as being? When you look inside yourself, deep inside, are you "being" you?
When you reach that "end of the road" did you leave behind what you wanted - or were you too busy following someone else who was? ...or going somewhere you didn't even want to go, cause that's just what everyone else was doing...
Think about it...
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