Sometimes everything around me feels fake, as though it's there but really not. It's there cause I can touch and feel it, but really.. is it there? Is "all of this" really mine or am I just making it mine by possession. And how does this possession-emotion change when we choose to live in love, and a life of "Let Go, Let God"?...
Everything, all things - are temporary. We must enjoy, appreciate, be grateful and love while its here, available to us. And then when its not longer here - in our possession - that's ok too, cause we still had the enjoyment, that love, we shared while it was in our now.
If you hold-on to "something"; fearing its distance and/or of it leaving, this simply creates more fear inside of yourself causing you to keep holding-on tighter. Inevitably once it "leaves" or "returns" to itself, our fears are simply reinforced with more strength since we've just reaffirmed their existence as truths by giving them power with our "possessiveness" and "insecurities".
Turning things around, by being grateful to have had the opportunity of love and being grateful of the new opening it's now provided to us; replaces this love-possessiveness with grateful-love.
Thus, when a "leaving" occurs, and a space is left inside of us - we have a choice of detachment. Either way, something is to come in its place...and what'll replace it, depends on how we detach and when we detach.
If we choose to grieve continuously and not want to let-go, the void is filled with nativities and past-fillers of nothingness leaving us constantly wanting to "go-back".
Letting go and embracing the emptiness to allow a "new" filler, fills us with anticipated joy and love even if we don't have anything to fill it with.
The Universe will provide to us, fill that now vacated space with something joyous and for us to love - because that is the vibration we are emitting and wanting - and so it will be brought to us in tri-folds. ...Since Like-Attracts-Like, more of whatever we are projecting is bound to come-in and fill whatever space is available.
Gratitude flicks that switch from "Oh no, don't go!" to "Thank you for having been here."
Everything in our path is exactly as it should be, always. Everything is a teacher, we just need to listen to its lessons and continuously learn - and then move on.
What happens outside myself is not within my control; however since we are all energy and we resonate from our Source-Energy, we are One. And so, just because I can't control what happens outside of me doesn't mean it isn't me - all that I see is really a part of me. It's (what 'I' am shown - my lesson from 'my' life-teacher - in 'my' now) just showing me how a part of me is vibrating - and that's what I am seeing. If I like it, that's good - and if I don't like what I am being exposed to - then I need to make a decision - change about myself. This has nothing to do with anyone else, but me - because they are me. The more I try to "control" or "change" them - the more I am judging myself.
I must seek the message, learn to listen and grasp the lesson to be learnt and then let-go and move-on in Love. All of the chained-emotions I feel trapped with are simply intertwined-fears projected on to me. All of my self-talk, ingrained-beliefs, everything keeping me in my dark-emotional-pit are fear-based attachments I decided to keep in my mind. Maybe at some past-point in my life they had provided me with some benefits - however I must chose to let them go in order for them to be replaced with more accurate - better for me now - beliefs. All teachers bring forward lessons in which we need to decide 'what' about them we 'wish' to move on with (beliefs). These choices of lessons are our Universal rights - and no one can tell you whether you are wrong or right. Only you can 'feel' these beliefs, and you can also choose to change them at any point of Your Life.
At times I feel as though I am stuck in a barricaded limited emotional state where everything around me just seems to be pushing my downward spiral at a higher speed. When this happens I need to make a choice of either sulking in my state and whine about how bad my life is and so giving this depressive state more truth OR I could choose to acknowledge the truth of the matter and accept a 'new' truth and choose to change my path. Seek my lesson, acknowledge it and move on.
The blame game comes-in where you set yourself up to believe that someone else holds the lock & key for whatever situation you're in. Coming back to your inner-self, we need to re-acknowledge that "they" are "me", and so in actuality, I hold my own key.
Life turns around and changes when we turn around and change.
I accept my own destiny by choice.
The security and comfort lifestyle I choose comes from the camouflaged fears I've accepted within myself as being 'ok'. I've accepted this belief as being a "safe" place. When I choose to move beyond this acceptance / belief description, then it will then be replaced by whatever 'new' definition (for me, at that point in my life).
For now, this "safe" lifestyle ...what does it really keeping me safe from?
Could it be from ... "freedom"? While I stay locked-in and safe in my cave, I see the shadows wondering about in the unknown - I feel a little envious inside - but not enough to run out and join them. I stay protected, possessing what I "know" and "own", convincing myself that this is 'ok'. ...Cause really, Freedom is a scary place, right? ...and plus once I get there, then what would I have to look forward to? ;-)
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