Here's the scoop, in the recent past I haven't really been living the LOA (Law of Attraction) simply because I allowed myself to succumb all of my mind-chatter and its stories.
They're very convincing, you know?! lol...
However... in the more recent past, like this past week - I was like (in my head), OK that's enough! What you're telling me isn't making me feel any better and everything around me is screaming negativity! So my choices were either a) continue digging in this hole, which obviously wasn't leading anywhere; or b) just stop digging and re-orient myself.
As some people know, I don't always put my words into actions right away again cause I allow myself to procrastinate and mongol over things sometimes for too long.
This week however I just stopped. I didn't think about it, I just stopped.
So what's been going on... hummm... well alot! :)
But first here's a short story:
I've never had a pet growing up, cause we'll ...we just didn't have one. And so I'm not the type of person who felt the need to have pets. ....blah blah blah... fast forward to now...
I have 4 wonderful grown-up children and we've had a dog for the last 8 years! He is part of the family, so I might as well say I have 5 children! wink wink... hey I still have to feed him and clean up after him, so I counts! lol
About a little over a year ago, our dog started this thing above his neck. It's like a big ball (covered in fur) growing beneath his skin, it was hard, however didn't hurt or bother him - it was just there. So, last year at his check-up the vet took a look at it and told us we need to get him operated on, to get it removed, and it was going to cost us over $1000.
Discussions and decisions needed to be made, and at that time (last year) - we just couldn't do it (pay the $1000) so we opted to do nothing. Besides it wasn't bugging him, it wasn't hurting him (when we touched it), the only indicator that it was there and that something was 'incorrect' was the fact that we could see it - the lump.
Fast forward to ....about 3 weeks ago. Lump is now bleeding a little and kind-of looks like there's a crack / open scar on this "ball" sticking off the top of our dog's neck. So we call the vet and have him brought in for a check-up, again.
Again the vet reminds us that they told us a year ago that this needed to come out... ya ya ya I know, heck if I had money growing on trees, it would of got done a year ago! So in my head - I'm focusing on the lack of money. Anyways, vet checks the dog tells us again the same story... and we have him booked for the end of the month. In the meantime, she prescribes him some steroids and antibiotics. And schedules a follow-up visit in 10 days.
So the 10 days later comes around (yesterday) and my hubby goes in with the dog to see the vet. She again proceeds to tell him that we need to move ahead with the surgery...blah blah blah. So she checks the dog, and decides to shave around this 'lump' to get a clearer view.
** Warning gross part here: during these 10 days, the opening that the blood originated from cracked open even further and was now really visible. During this time, stuff was gushing out at times where we needed to wipe him down. It was also emitting a smell... and it wasn't purtty! ;) **
Once she was done checking him, she (the vet) left the room to go fill out some paper work. My hubby then proceeded to tell me that the dog's lump-thing was bleeding a little so decided to wipe it clean, and that's when the dog started doggy-shaking (like he was trying to get something off of himself) and ...ended-up shaking the gunk that was filling this 'lump' out!
Yes, he (the dog) rejected this stuff out of himself, and plop out it flew! Yikes, and ...yuck! Glad I wasn't there to see this, that's a blessing in disguise! :)
So my hubby calls the vet back in to explain what just happened. And she proceeds (in awe!) to acknowledge that never in her 30 year career has she ever seen or heard of this happening!
...The surgery is no longer needed. Can you believe that?!
Now we just need to keep the area that has this hole clean and covered till he can get back in to get it stitched-up! Yes you heard me correctly - the whole thing got naturally resolved!! Yay, I love the Universe!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
So what does this all mean - what was the moral of this / my story?
For me, this meant - STOP worrying about stuff you can't do anything about and allow nature to do its job! Don't keep wondering about the how this? how that? what about this? what about that?... and to just ...allow life.
Become a spectator in your own life - and enjoy the ride! :)
I was focusing on the wrong things, giving power to the wrong areas of my life.
Once I shifted, and STOPPED believing my stories, things changed - I changed.
"If you don't like something change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." ~ Maya Angelou
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