"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
- Proust
"The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it."
- Confucius
"Every human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature." - Lao-tzu
We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough.
Keller, Helen
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Shakespeare, William
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
Camus, Albert
Keep sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow-perhaps it all will.
Patience is the companion of wisdom
St. Augustine
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.
Syrus, Publilius
You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
Gandhi, Indira
Experience is what you get when you do not get what you want.
Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster.
Agor, Weston H.
No man can reveal to you ought, but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.
Gibran, Kahlil
If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don't wait for tomorrow comes.
Senegalese proverb
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
James, William
Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.
Thoreau, Henry David
When the student is ready, the master appears.
Buddhist proverb
3 rules of work
1. out of clutter, find simplicity.
2. From discord find harmony.
3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Einstein ,Albert
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.
De Mille, Agnes
In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.
Einstein, Albert
A knowledge of the path cannot be substituted for putting one foot in front of the other.
Richards, M. C.
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has to get down to work.
Buck, Pearl
The crisis of yesterday is the joke of tomorrow.
Wells, H. G.
The answer is simple; if you want something very badly, you can achieve it.
Jones, Margo
There is no failure. Only feedback.
I believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among the creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of kindness and compassion.
Falconer, William
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make.
Edelman, Marion Wright
Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.
Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
Churchill, Winston
To be nobody-but-yourself--in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
E. E. Cummings
You will never find time for anything. You must make it.
Buxton, Charles
When one door closes another one opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
When a man finds no peace within himself it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
Rouchefoliocauld, L. A.
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster. And if you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.
Nietsche, Frederick
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
Adams, John Quincy
Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.
Disraeli, Benjamin
Half the failures of this world arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping.
Hare, Augustus
Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.
Montapert, Alfred A.
Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.
Tolkein, J. R. R.
Nothing endures but change.
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Rogers, Will
Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.
Lorimer, George
Concentration is the secret of strength.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Man must strive and, in striving, must go wrong.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Keep spiritually sound and be persistent. Persistence is the key. Just never stop believing in your dream.
Aquila, Deborah
The saints are the sinners who keep going.
Stevenson , Robert Louis
Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.
Kline, Richard
The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work.
Frost, Robert
Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but ain't no man got to be common.
Paige, Satchel
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Mead, Margaret
It isn't whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up.
Lombardi, Vince
Home run hitters strike out a lot.
Jackson, Reggie
Great people aren't those who are happy at times of convenience and content, but of how they are in times of catastrophe and controversy.
King, Dr. Martin Luther Jr.
Failure is the path of least persistence.
When the Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He'll ask not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game.
Rice, Grantland
Don't compromise yourself, you are all you've got.
Joplin, Janis
At the head of every river lies a spring.
Bennie Rice
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre-minds.The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
Einstein, Albert
The key to everything is patience! You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
Never give up!Never give up!Never give up!
Churchill, Winston
Turn your face to the sunshine and all shadows fall behind.
Keller, Helen
The difference between a pipe dream and a great idea is persistence.
If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
Ward, William Arthur
When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live.
Johnson, Samuel
Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.
Thoreau, Henry David
Life is a cup to be filled not drained.
If one is the master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time insight into and understanding of many things.
Van Gogh, Vincent
What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.
Roethke, Theodore
Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
Thoreau, Henry David
Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually
Caddy, Eileen
Magic has often been thought of us the art of making dreams come true; the art of realizing visions. Yet before we can bring birth to the vision we have to see it.
Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Your words are the greatest power you have. The words you choose and the use establish the life you experience.
Croquette Sonia
Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities
Ebaugh, Sue
Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.
Bernhardt, Sarah
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
Fosdick, Harry Emerson
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Thoreau, Henry David
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream- a scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows- is essentially poetry.
Leiris, Michael
Where all is but dream, reasoning and arguments are of no use, truth and knowledge nothing.
John Locke, John
In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.
Pirandello, Luigi
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
Shaw, George Bernard
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
Thoreau, Henry David
Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.
Updike, John
Team Membership and Leadership - Points to Ponder
I am willing to give credit where credit is due - however I do not know the source of the below lists. If you know where these points come from or who authored them, please let me know so that I can add appropriate footnotes. Thank you.
2. Contribute ideas
3. Listen
4. Accept Decisions
5. Clarify Tasks
6. Co-operate
7. Accept Coaching
8. Demand Review
2. Not listening
3. Getting on with your job regardless
4. Doing other people's work
5. Wandering off
6. Fragmenting the team
7. Proving you were right
8. Ignoring Coaching
2. Identify the critical issues (separate from constraints)
3. Encourage contributions
4. Make Decisions
5. Assign Tasks
6. Monitor Progress
7. Coach
8. Review
2. Getting over-involved in the action
3. Feeling that you have to have the answer
4. Being the technical expert
5. Ignoring social and programming issues
6. Fixating on one issue
7. Fear of standing out
8 Points to Team Membership
1. Understanding the Context and Purpose2. Contribute ideas
3. Listen
4. Accept Decisions
5. Clarify Tasks
6. Co-operate
7. Accept Coaching
8. Demand Review
Team Member Traps
1. Keeping quiet2. Not listening
3. Getting on with your job regardless
4. Doing other people's work
5. Wandering off
6. Fragmenting the team
7. Proving you were right
8. Ignoring Coaching
8 Points to Team Leadership
1. Explain the Context and Purpose2. Identify the critical issues (separate from constraints)
3. Encourage contributions
4. Make Decisions
5. Assign Tasks
6. Monitor Progress
7. Coach
8. Review
Team Leader Traps
1. Not seeing members' point of view2. Getting over-involved in the action
3. Feeling that you have to have the answer
4. Being the technical expert
5. Ignoring social and programming issues
6. Fixating on one issue
7. Fear of standing out
Discover Your Passion!
Wow when looking at back at how long its been since I really started thinking about my passions; defining them; and setting purpose & clarity - it's been a LONG time, years already!
I have discovered that many-a-times my passion focus sometimes shifts depending on how I feel.
Which only reaffirms the ever so popular saying:
Sometimes what I think about, read about, watch on T.V., or learn about online, etc... affects my 'mood' and thus influences my thinking and... in the end, ends up interfering with my True Passion (Purpose).
If you've already discovered your passion and have put it into practice then Congratulations! You sense of fulfillment and joy in being able to live your passion must be reflected in your wonderful work that you do!
However if you're still looking, searching, wondering about "What is your passion?" or if you kind-of get a sense that you know but now are wondering "What am I supposed to do now?" - no worries, you're not alone!
Millions of people live their everyday lives not getting that "sense of fulfillment & joy" in their daily activities or chosen career paths ...But that doesn't mean all hope is lost! Reclaiming your purpose and its chosen path can be a change you choose to make; it's a choice you alone need to take.
Making changes in your life don't necessarily need to be drastic and life-altering; sometimes just looking at things differently can make all the difference! You don't need to quit your job; leave your relationship; jump off the boat to make things happen... For some, yes - some of these drastic changes are needed; however for the majority of us, small changes are all that's needed!
Remember: "Understanding and Learning about yourself & who you truly are are key elements in establishing your true-connection." ~ Tammy Mathieu
Here are a few tips, questions, and quotes to get you started... thinking!
"Working at a job to build your resume is like withholding sex till you retire." ~ Warren Buffet
Find work in something you are passionate about; live your passion everyday and enjoy it! Why wait till you retire to do what you love - choose to live it, do it as part of your career. And if it can't be part of your career, have your 'job' somehow jump-start your off-work passion. This way your purpose is to keep 'working' to fuel your passion!
"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." ~ Jim Rohn
Choose your surrounds (and friends) wisely. You are worth it. How can you grow and evolve if everyone around you is at a lower or same-level as you are.
You probably won't keep climbing the stairs or continuing on your journey if the ones around you aren't challenged or motivated in the "same" way/things you are. Thus leaving you with a sense of guilt, which probably keeps all of you in the same spot. Shake things up & change things!
"First they IGNORE you,
then they LAUGH at you,
then they FIGHT you,
then you WIN." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
If no one stood out, everything would be the same. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution - let go of judgement, and embrace change. Sometimes letting go of what was and what is... allows for what could be to come.
And remember, not everyone will always agree - and it's not your job to defend, but to understand. You won when you made the choice.
"Become a self-expert. If you don't know what you're looking for you're never going to find it." ~ unknown
Do you know who you are? What you like / don't like? What are your unique strengths, values and experiences? If you're not clear about yourself - how do you expect anyone else to be?
Yes, you will find work/career/jobs... and do what others tell you to do. Although once you've become a self-expert, you'll then be the one telling people what you can do for them.
Here are a few links / quotes I found relating to "Discovering Your Passion":
Whether we choose to listen to our inner voice is up to us.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/ own-super-soul-sunday/ Caroline-Myss-on-How-to-Find-Yo ur-Purpose-Video#ixzz2BlGzHHl0
This video's (interview) is about a Graphic Designer's transition to Photography HOWEVER it's underline message is more profound...http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LxxFSU6doDo#!
Vocation doesn't come from a voice "out there" calling me to become something I'm not. It comes from a voice "in here" calling me to be the person I was born to be.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/ What-are-You-Meant-to-Be-Doing- Find-Your-Calling#ixzz23jLFRKw 4
Questions to ask yourself:
Discover that --> and then LIVE it!!
Fill-in the blanks: "When my life is ideal, I am ..." [try using a ___ing verb here; and use present tense].
Be as clear and precise as you can.
Focus on who you are and what means most to you.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying complete financial freedom.
When my life is ideal, I am living in the home of my dreams.
When my life is ideal, I am exploring the world.
When my life is ideal, I am sharing my love and wealth.
When my life is ideal, I am creating beautiful art.
When my life is ideal, I am relaxing and meditating daily.
When my life is ideal, I am welcoming people into my life and into my home.
When my life is ideal, I am playing with loved ones in my beautiful backyard.
When my life is ideal, I am openly connected at all levels with my spouse.
When my life is ideal, I am allowing myself to receive.
When my life is ideal, I am living for the now.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying life with lots of health, energy, stamina, and vitality!
When my life is ideal, I am having fun in everything I do!
When my life is ideal, I am inspiring others to discover their passions.
When my life is ideal, I am living my passions!
The more you write them down the more some will seem to jump out at you! You'll also feel a deeper connection with some more than others... narrow down your list till you feel comfortable with a for-now Top 5!
Review your Top 5 and apply them as much as possible to your daily activities.
Every few months, do a self check-in to see if you Top 5 are still applicable... they may need a little word-smithing... or if you see yourself NOT living some of your chosen Top 5 Passions, ask yourself why?
Is it really something that still has meaning for you? Should it be in your Top 5? Maybe your list needs a review...
Also as you go-along your journey (daily life) maybe create yourself some "markers" for your Top 5 Passions to help encompass its true value/meaning.
Stay focused and clear. And try to be as positive as possible.
For example:
When my life is ideal, I am allowing myself to receive, accept and trust.
- I've let go of my past.
- I am accepted by everyone.
- I'm rejoice in giving and receiving.
- I love and am loved.
When my life is ideal, I am creating beautiful art.
- I express myself via "Art" (photography; poetry; music; sketching; painting).
- I take time to "smell the roses" and "view the sunset".
- I go with the flow.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying complete financial Freedom.
- I am able to spend joyfully.
- I am financially abundant.
- I am living in my "house" by the water, in the countryside.
- I am "work-free".
- I am receiving money from various sources / external means.
- I am able to give and help others.
- I am able to travel the world and share with everyone my journey.
I have discovered that many-a-times my passion focus sometimes shifts depending on how I feel.
Which only reaffirms the ever so popular saying:
![]() |
Photo Source: http://magnificentquotes.tumblr.com/post/15042283052/life-quotes |
23 Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life.
24 Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
25 Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight before you.
26 Ponder[a] the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil.
a.k.a. simplified version of Proverb 4:23 means,
"Be very careful about what you think.
Your thoughts run your life."
for from it flow the springs of life.
24 Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
25 Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight before you.
26 Ponder[a] the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil.
Sometimes what I think about, read about, watch on T.V., or learn about online, etc... affects my 'mood' and thus influences my thinking and... in the end, ends up interfering with my True Passion (Purpose).
If you've already discovered your passion and have put it into practice then Congratulations! You sense of fulfillment and joy in being able to live your passion must be reflected in your wonderful work that you do!
However if you're still looking, searching, wondering about "What is your passion?" or if you kind-of get a sense that you know but now are wondering "What am I supposed to do now?" - no worries, you're not alone!
Millions of people live their everyday lives not getting that "sense of fulfillment & joy" in their daily activities or chosen career paths ...But that doesn't mean all hope is lost! Reclaiming your purpose and its chosen path can be a change you choose to make; it's a choice you alone need to take.
Making changes in your life don't necessarily need to be drastic and life-altering; sometimes just looking at things differently can make all the difference! You don't need to quit your job; leave your relationship; jump off the boat to make things happen... For some, yes - some of these drastic changes are needed; however for the majority of us, small changes are all that's needed!
Remember: "Understanding and Learning about yourself & who you truly are are key elements in establishing your true-connection." ~ Tammy Mathieu
Here are a few tips, questions, and quotes to get you started... thinking!
"Working at a job to build your resume is like withholding sex till you retire." ~ Warren Buffet
Find work in something you are passionate about; live your passion everyday and enjoy it! Why wait till you retire to do what you love - choose to live it, do it as part of your career. And if it can't be part of your career, have your 'job' somehow jump-start your off-work passion. This way your purpose is to keep 'working' to fuel your passion!
"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." ~ Jim Rohn
Choose your surrounds (and friends) wisely. You are worth it. How can you grow and evolve if everyone around you is at a lower or same-level as you are.
You probably won't keep climbing the stairs or continuing on your journey if the ones around you aren't challenged or motivated in the "same" way/things you are. Thus leaving you with a sense of guilt, which probably keeps all of you in the same spot. Shake things up & change things!
"First they IGNORE you,
then they LAUGH at you,
then they FIGHT you,
then you WIN." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
If no one stood out, everything would be the same. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution - let go of judgement, and embrace change. Sometimes letting go of what was and what is... allows for what could be to come.
And remember, not everyone will always agree - and it's not your job to defend, but to understand. You won when you made the choice.
"Become a self-expert. If you don't know what you're looking for you're never going to find it." ~ unknown
Do you know who you are? What you like / don't like? What are your unique strengths, values and experiences? If you're not clear about yourself - how do you expect anyone else to be?
Yes, you will find work/career/jobs... and do what others tell you to do. Although once you've become a self-expert, you'll then be the one telling people what you can do for them.
Here are a few links / quotes I found relating to "Discovering Your Passion":
Whether we choose to listen to our inner voice is up to us.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/
This video's (interview) is about a Graphic Designer's transition to Photography HOWEVER it's underline message is more profound...http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LxxFSU6doDo#!
Vocation doesn't come from a voice "out there" calling me to become something I'm not. It comes from a voice "in here" calling me to be the person I was born to be.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/
Questions to ask yourself:
Discover that --> and then LIVE it!!
Fill-in the blanks: "When my life is ideal, I am ..." [try using a ___ing verb here; and use present tense].
Be as clear and precise as you can.
Focus on who you are and what means most to you.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying complete financial freedom.
When my life is ideal, I am living in the home of my dreams.
When my life is ideal, I am exploring the world.
When my life is ideal, I am sharing my love and wealth.
When my life is ideal, I am creating beautiful art.
When my life is ideal, I am relaxing and meditating daily.
When my life is ideal, I am welcoming people into my life and into my home.
When my life is ideal, I am playing with loved ones in my beautiful backyard.
When my life is ideal, I am openly connected at all levels with my spouse.
When my life is ideal, I am allowing myself to receive.
When my life is ideal, I am living for the now.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying life with lots of health, energy, stamina, and vitality!
When my life is ideal, I am having fun in everything I do!
When my life is ideal, I am inspiring others to discover their passions.
When my life is ideal, I am living my passions!
The more you write them down the more some will seem to jump out at you! You'll also feel a deeper connection with some more than others... narrow down your list till you feel comfortable with a for-now Top 5!
Review your Top 5 and apply them as much as possible to your daily activities.
Every few months, do a self check-in to see if you Top 5 are still applicable... they may need a little word-smithing... or if you see yourself NOT living some of your chosen Top 5 Passions, ask yourself why?
Is it really something that still has meaning for you? Should it be in your Top 5? Maybe your list needs a review...
Also as you go-along your journey (daily life) maybe create yourself some "markers" for your Top 5 Passions to help encompass its true value/meaning.
Stay focused and clear. And try to be as positive as possible.
For example:
When my life is ideal, I am allowing myself to receive, accept and trust.
- I've let go of my past.
- I am accepted by everyone.
- I'm rejoice in giving and receiving.
- I love and am loved.
When my life is ideal, I am creating beautiful art.
- I express myself via "Art" (photography; poetry; music; sketching; painting).
- I take time to "smell the roses" and "view the sunset".
- I go with the flow.
When my life is ideal, I am enjoying complete financial Freedom.
- I am able to spend joyfully.
- I am financially abundant.
- I am living in my "house" by the water, in the countryside.
- I am "work-free".
- I am receiving money from various sources / external means.
- I am able to give and help others.
- I am able to travel the world and share with everyone my journey.
Top 10 Email Crabs
I originally had this list saved in my bookmarks - like back in 2008! Wow how time-flies! ...so here we are in 2013 and I'm not ready to address and share the list!
When readers see nothing, or read subject lines that don't "seem" meaningful - they could possibly choose to skip over them given that they don't seem important?!
When I viewed it, it was called: Stand up straight and mind your email manners and addressed 10 Email Crab Tips, however now as I "update" my source links, the article is called:
Take your elbows off the table and mind your e-mail manners (and lists 15!!) by the way this wonderful tips are shared to us from the wonderful Crabby Office Lady! (who's now... retired! [sad face])
So... below is "my version" and input on the Crabby Office Lady's list of Email Crabs!
#1 Discretion is the Greater Part of Replying
Just because it was sent to all does NOT mean you should be replying to all.
Sending out Letters by Mail (Snail Mail): Writing, stamping, and mailing a letter was a lot of work. Plus, each new addressee meant more postage, so we thought hard about whom to send things to.
Example: If I sent a Pledge Form to 10 people, do each of these recipients want to receive updates when a pledge is made? Probably not. So updates were only sent to the sender if he/she made the pledge.
The final letter (to the sender) should include a summary of all pledges - instead of sending everyone an letter every time a pledge is made.
Emails should be treated similarly. Just because you can (reply-to-all) doesn't necessarily mean you should.
With free sending to an infinity number of people now a reality, every little thought and impulse becomes instant communication. The result: Inbox Overload.
"But my incoming email is important", you cry.
Don't fool yourself.
Taming email means training the senders to put the burden of quality back on themselves.
Be sparing with group emails. Send group email only when it is useful to every recipient. Use the "reply all" button only when compiling results requiring collective input and only if you have something to add. Recipients get quite annoyed to open an email that says something like, "Me too!".
Use the blind copy (BCC) and courtesy copy (CC) appropriately.
Don't use BCC to keep others from seeing who you copied; it shows confidence when you directly CC anyone receiving a copy.
Do use BCC, however, when sending to a large distribution list, so recipients won't have to see a huge list of names. Be cautious with your use of CC; overuse simply clutters inboxes. Copy only people who are directly involved.
#2 Stop Yelling at Me!
Using all CAPS emails - this is called: Flame Mail.
Description: An email message that is mean, hot-tempered, curt, or not-so-polite. It raises your hackles and gets under your skin.
...and unfortunately, its's contagious!
Also, remember that your tone can't be heard in emails. An attempted sarcastic remark in an email can be taken the wrong way. Some people use emoticons [smiley faces], but use them sparingly so that you don't appear unprofessional. Also, don't assume that using a "smiley" will diffuse the message's tone.
using all lowercase letters looks lazy
For emphasis, use **asterisks** or bold formatting to emphasize important words.
Do not, however, use a lot of colours or graphics embedded in your message, because not everyone uses the same email program and.. for some these "things" can end-up muddling up the message with a bunch of HTML formatting codes.
#3 Save the Stationary for "Snail Mail"
Ah?! But it's so cute....!
Again, not everyone uses the same email program and even if they do their settings may be different. Applying templates (backgrounds) to your emails may cause frustrations for the recipients due to how his/her email setup are configured. Your background may end-up being an attachment, which would result in having the recipient having to open up the attachment ...just to find out it's a textured photo?
#4 Things Need a Flow
New items (replies) go at the top of the email message not at the bottom.
Also it's good practice to keep the original message when replying; this ensures that the recipient "recalls" what was originally requested (message history).
#5 Too Many "Forwards" is One-Step Backwards!
Description: Forwards of useless information (example: Chain Letters; Rumours; Jokes; ...did you know stuff that never happened; etc..)
Don't be part of the problem.
Always CHECK with a reputable site such as snopes.com or an antivirus website before sending out any types of alarm messages. If a constant stream of jokes from a friend annoys you, be honest and ask to be removed from the list. Direct personal emails to your home email account (if they're being received at work).
#6 Don't Be a Cyber-Coward
If you have something to say that's Highly Personal | Scary | Sad | Angry |Tragic | Vicious | Shocking ...or anything similar, please do it in person.
Email communication aren't the best translators.
Don't use email as an excuse to avoid personal contact. Don't forget the value of face-to-face or even voice-to-voice communication.
Communicating via email isn't appropriate when sending confusing or emotional messages.
Think of the times you've heard someone tell you, "Well, I sent you an email."
If you have a 'problem' with someone, speak with that person directly.
Don't use emails to avoid an uncomfortable situation or to cover up a mistake.
#7 Thanks, but No Thanks!
File attachments / Picture attachments
3 Reasons to avoid them when possible:
- It takes a long time to download a large file
- Email servers are like Studio apartments: There's only so much space to keep everything flowing-nicely
- Sometimes you're at the mercy of the ISP (examples: Hotel Rooms while travelling)
#8 The Subject "Re: " Means Nothing to Me
Fill out the subject line... with something meaningful.
When readers see nothing, or read subject lines that don't "seem" meaningful - they could possibly choose to skip over them given that they don't seem important?!
Use the Subject field appropriately - state your content and/or purpose.
If possible agree on acronyms to use that quickly identify actions:
<AR> could mean: Action Required
<MSR> could mean: Monthly Status Report
<EOM> could mean: End of Message (no reply needed)
It's also a good practice to include the word [Long] in the subject field, if necessary, so that the recipient knows that the message will require some time to read/review.
#9: Let's Not Forget Signatures!
- Do use a signature that includes contact information, with a maximum of 6 lines.
- For external (outside your organization) emails, ensure that people know who you are and how to contact you.
- Be 'somewhat' creative in your layout
- ...but remember 6 lines maximum - you don't want your signature to be the biggest part of your email!
#10 Itchy Trigger Finger?
Count to 10 before hitting the SEND button!
Remember: The pushing of the Send button lasts a moment;
the message you insert (and its effects) can last a lifetime!
Sometimes WE are the ones that need to slow down; at times our reactions aren't the best actions.
Remember that email isn't 100% private.
Emails are considered company property and can be retrieved, examined, and use in a court of law.
Ensure to familiarize yourself with your organization's email policies and appropriate usages.
Unless you are using an encrypted device or service, you should assume that any and all emails over the internet is NOT secure.
Never put in an email message anything that you wouldn't put on a postcard.
Remember that emails can be forwarded fairly easily.
...You might also inadvertently send something to the wrong party, so always keep your content professional to avoid embarrassment.
And so like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, the list is now up to 15 - so if you want to read the Crabby Office Lady's complete list, visit her article here: Take your elbows off the table and mind your e-mail manners
Email Productivity Tips: The 5 Step Program!
In Merlin Mann's online post Five fast email productivity tips, Mann offers 5 quick tips that should get you back on track!
Tip #1: Shut Off Notifications
Let-go of:
- the need to know RIGHT NOW
- the need to answer RIGHT NOW
- the need of CONTROL (loss of manageability)
...leaving you constantly trying to catch-up!
Stop & Breathe:
If you don't do things RIGHT NOW... what "could" happen...?
Could there be a chance that someone else would resolve the situation?
Could there be a change that time will allow this issue to self-resolve?
Sometimes people have a tendency to "jump-the-gun" and shoot-off emails prior to taking the time to resolving issues themselves.
How can you concentrate for an extended period of time if you allow yourself to be interrupted? Be productive and allow yourself work periods.
Setup your email program to stop notifying you every time you receive a new email.
Easiest Way: Shut down your Email program and only open it up every 15 min., 30 min., 45 min...
Tip #2: Pick off Easy Ones
Looking at everything all-at-once may seem overwhelming.
Where do I start?
Which one need my attention now?
Pick off the easy ones...
This will benefit you by making your list smaller.
Answer the "little" things and getting them out of the way.
If it'll take you less than 2 minutes, complete the communication immediately.
Otherwise schedule "email filtering" times to deal or go-through these emails.
Tip #3: Write Less
Nowadays technology advances have allowed a multitude of variations for communication.
This means that NOT necessarily everything is a ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL.
Big, long, strenuous emails have a tendency to be read last, or too late.
Keep messages brief and to the point.
Nothing is more frustrating than wading through an email message that is twice as long as necessary.
Concentrate on ONE subject per message whenever possible.
Be concise and to the point.
Tip #4: Cheat
Create yourself some "Email Templates".
If you catch yourself answering; asking; and/or formulating the same types of emails... then maybe you should save yourself a 'copy' as a draft and re-use it when needed.
Tip #5: Be Honest
Be honest without being rude.
Honestly, if you don't know why or have the answer to a question - Why have someone wait on you?
Let them know you... just don't know.
If they want you to find out - ask for specifics and timelines...
"I can get you the answer by the end of this week, unless you need it sooner?"
If your presence is requested somewhere and you just can't make it...
Don't try to split yourself in half!
If you are to be somewhere, be there 100%, otherwise don't bother.
Sometimes it's just best to say "No".
"Sorry I can't at the moment. I just don't have the time right now."
Tip #1: Shut Off Notifications
Let-go of:
- the need to know RIGHT NOW
- the need to answer RIGHT NOW
- the need of CONTROL (loss of manageability)
...leaving you constantly trying to catch-up!
Stop & Breathe:
If you don't do things RIGHT NOW... what "could" happen...?
Could there be a chance that someone else would resolve the situation?
Could there be a change that time will allow this issue to self-resolve?
Sometimes people have a tendency to "jump-the-gun" and shoot-off emails prior to taking the time to resolving issues themselves.
How can you concentrate for an extended period of time if you allow yourself to be interrupted? Be productive and allow yourself work periods.
Setup your email program to stop notifying you every time you receive a new email.
Easiest Way: Shut down your Email program and only open it up every 15 min., 30 min., 45 min...
Tip #2: Pick off Easy Ones
Looking at everything all-at-once may seem overwhelming.
Where do I start?
Which one need my attention now?
Pick off the easy ones...
This will benefit you by making your list smaller.
Answer the "little" things and getting them out of the way.
If it'll take you less than 2 minutes, complete the communication immediately.
Otherwise schedule "email filtering" times to deal or go-through these emails.
Tip #3: Write Less
Nowadays technology advances have allowed a multitude of variations for communication.
This means that NOT necessarily everything is a ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL.
Big, long, strenuous emails have a tendency to be read last, or too late.
Keep messages brief and to the point.
Nothing is more frustrating than wading through an email message that is twice as long as necessary.
Concentrate on ONE subject per message whenever possible.
Be concise and to the point.
Tip #4: Cheat
Create yourself some "Email Templates".
If you catch yourself answering; asking; and/or formulating the same types of emails... then maybe you should save yourself a 'copy' as a draft and re-use it when needed.
Tip #5: Be Honest
Be honest without being rude.
Honestly, if you don't know why or have the answer to a question - Why have someone wait on you?
Let them know you... just don't know.
If they want you to find out - ask for specifics and timelines...
"I can get you the answer by the end of this week, unless you need it sooner?"
If your presence is requested somewhere and you just can't make it...
Don't try to split yourself in half!
If you are to be somewhere, be there 100%, otherwise don't bother.
Sometimes it's just best to say "No".
"Sorry I can't at the moment. I just don't have the time right now."
Blogging - Tips on Getting Discovered (from the good people at CISION)
This tip sheet from CISION dates back a few years but still highlights some great tips!
To read the CISION EXECUTIVE TIP SHEET: This Blog's For You <-- Click title link.
While the paper goes more in depth as to what you should do / look for; some of the key highlights in helping you get discovered online include:
To read the CISION EXECUTIVE TIP SHEET: This Blog's For You <-- Click title link.
While the paper goes more in depth as to what you should do / look for; some of the key highlights in helping you get discovered online include:
► LINKS: Are other bloggers linking to and discussing the blog’s content? While a number of services track statistics on how often a particular blog is cited by others, discovering whether a mention of your product or service on a blog is generating buzz can be done with a simple Web search for key phrases from the post. Depending on your goals, just two or three links to the post can result in successful impressions on the right audience. Keep in mind that only about 50 blogs on the web today average more than 20 citations elsewhere per day.
► UNIQUE VISITORS, RSS AND E-MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: Some blogs provide data about how many visitors and subscribers they have on their home page or on an About Us page.
► POST FREQUENCY: Once you have determined that a blog is fairly popular, the frequency of new entries is a good indication of how often a blog’s readers are visiting the site. Frequency of posts should not be used as a primary parameter since there is always the possibility that a dedicated blogger is just shouting into the void with little or no audience. There is, however, a strong correlation between how frequently a blogger posts and the size of the blog’s audience. Among the top 200 blogs on the Web, ranked by Unique Visitors per Month, those that average at least three posts per day have two-and-a-half times as many visitors as less frequently updated blogs.
► SOCIAL NETWORKS AND BOOKMARKING UTILITIES: Many blogs include links to a variety of social tools for bloggers. Yahoo’s MyBlogLog allows users to join a community of fans of a particular blog. The blog Lifehacker, for example, has more than 6,500 community members on MyBlogLog. Bookmarking utilities such as Del.icio.us (owned by Yahoo) and Digg allow users to bookmark blog posts and share their bookmarks with others. These sites then list the blogosphere’s most popular posts. A blog post can quickly gain steam this way - the most popular posts on Digg usually receive several thousand bookmarks (or “diggs”) within 24 hours of being posted. Searching social networks such as Facebook and MySpace for mentions of a particular blog can also help determine a blog’s popularity.
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