The more you learn and understand who you are, how you are - the better a-person you can be to yourself and to others. Understanding what motivates you; touches you; or even triggers fears or anxieties within can only make you a better person. Understanding and knowing your strengths and weaknesses is power.
I really can't recall where I got the following information, so if someone is to be sourced / referenced for the following please accept my apologies - and thank yous at the same time, great work!
To note when reading the following description, you might seem to connect with some or all of the following styles, however you'll probably note (deep-down inside) which of the following is pretty dominate in your life. Also, the primary style that is dominating you at this moment isn't necessarily going to be the style that sticks with you forever... some styles change with age, time, with situations, people... whatever the case maybe, what's important is to understand the 'role' that you take on during these encounters so that you can be aware of what your projecting. If you notice the 'style-mode' you're in and don't want to be in that 'mode' - awareness is key! You can't identify what's happening unless you know it's happening - and that's when you can make choices!
AMIABLE (intuitor)
Likes: Appreciation, consistent, cooperative, credit, family, gradual change, harmony, loyalty, security, team player.
Fears: Loss of security.
Advise of changes well in advance.
Ask about family.
Assure them you appreciate their loyalty.
Stress teamwork.
ANALYTICAL (thinker)
Likes: Authority, caution, critical thinking, details, discipline, orderly, proof, research,serious, standard, precedures.
Fears: Criticism of work.
Give great amounts of Information.
Give brichures and fact sheets.
Give time to make decisions.
DRIVER (sensor)
Likes: Authority, boldness, challenge, risk, change, direct answers, dominating, difficult assignments, efficient, new and varied activities, power.
Fears: Being taken advantage of.
Give Bottom line quickly.
Keep informed.
Less chit-chat.
Schedule definite appointments.
Likes: To verbalize, freedom from control and details, popularity people and opinions, status, motivation, recognition, enthusiasm.
Fears: Loss of social acceptance.
Appeal to status.
Invite to social functions.
Take time to chit chat.
Inform about what is new and improved.
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