
Knowledge, Power and Energy - What the heck are you talking about?

Watch live streaming video from peakpotentials at livestream.com

In this interview with T. Harv Eker, Harv answers some questions relating to money and success from general people. Harv's main message is to have people understand that they need to "own your power and live by example" (mentorship). He also goes on to explain that people need to "come from who you are" - you can't change or pretend to be something you're not. This is what causes "Opportunites (to become) can be obstacles" - because not being yourself you loose lack of your focus. Your focus being you.

If you start wanting too much, wanting a go on a trip, wanting to buy a new car, wanting to get a new job, wanting to change your relationship, wanting ... wanting... wanting - you have too many focuses. How can the universe give you anything, how can it provide a focus - when you yourself aren't focused on what you want? Focusing on too many little (or big) things gets you no where - you need to give (1) focus your full attention so that you can commit to it and it then becomes your path - your soul focus.

Focus on this path. Commit to that hard work and learn about it, learn all you need to know about it - be it. Learn about you within this path. How can you make this focus a reality? What do you need to do?

This is where Action = Fear. Are you willing to take the necessary action(s) inspite of the fear you are feeling? How do you push through this fear? How do you move forward? The answer is simple - just like you would do for anything else: Train. You need to train yourself, your brain, your mental state, your physical state, your heart, your soul - whatever - you need to train you.

"Fear is the yellow light that turns green." T. Harv Eker

You need to acknowledge that fear because it's real - it's there. But beyond that, you still need to go for it... one step at a time of course! And how to best arm yourself from this fear --> knowledge. The more you know, the more power you give yourself to take action. "Once you're in ACTION fear goes away" T. Harv Eker.

What is power? Power is simple - Power is knowing that your mental; physical; and spiritual states are all interconnected. You can't drive a car without gas; wheels; or a motor can you? You need all of these piece in place to make it work. Also, can you drive if you have a motor; wheels but no gas? NO! You need all 3 - You need to connect to your Mental; Physical and Spiritual YOU. You can't successfully succeed at anything till you do that. The 'outter' world is always temporary. Things around you will always change. Therefore you need to take care of what you can control and that's your 'inner' world - your roots. Once you've got the root (you) worked out then everything else will take care of itself. How? How can you say that? ...you ask. Because you believe it - because you believe in you. Are you really going to let yourself down? Yes you might trip and fall - you might even brake a leg in the process... but REALLY - the REALITY of it all is that you consiously know that you want what's best for you. So if you truly believe that you've reached your limit and this is as good as it gets for you... then guess what? The universe's answer to you is: Your wish is my command. Why...

Karma: What you give is what you get. <-- Universal Law

If you're not giving yourself the permission to move beyond where you are. If you're not giving yourself the permission to grow; to change; to whatever... then "You're wish is my command" is what you get. And guess who picked that for you... You did. Isn't that pretty crappy? You can't make things better if you don't believe you can - You'll never be able to afford it if you never believe you can. You'll never go anywhere if you don't believe you can. You'll never ... because you don't believe - and because you don't believe, you don't even try.

T. Harv Eker also explains: "Everything is Energy. Money is Energy. ...and Your Energy projection is your results..". So what does this mean? Well again - if you don't use your energy, it's being wasted isn't it? You create it on-goingly but choose to simply just not use it... why? Cause basically you don't really believe in it so what does it matter? Use it - It's there...! Plus you're the one who created, who creates it on-goingly!

So now how can you use this "Energy" to create something? Well think beyond your value. If you have a talent and are providing a service or solving a problem - why can't you double this?
I don't have time...
I don't have enough money...
I just have too much too do...
There's just one of me and I can't do it alone...
Blah blah blah... sob sob sob... me, me, me...
Look at me I'm a poor victim <-- Your wish is my command.

"Think beyond your value" T. Harv Eker
Harv continues with "...have a passion for your ability to solve... passion for what you do... LOVE what you do! ... Be confident that you can do well in any arena as long as you have a passion for it...".
Build your knowledge.
Believe in yourself - believe you are an expert... You're an expect at that moment, with that client... this moment in time is all that matters right now and give that person everything you've got - with Passion!!

Main principle message:

If you want apples then you need to plant the tree. <-- Start at the root. What are your beliefs, your blockages? Do you have the right soil? Do you have the right seeds? Are your roots ready...

You can't expect apples to grow from a lemon tree. <-- Knowledge: Build your knowledge so that you understand what you need to know...

Get down and dirty and plant your seeds. <-- Put focus where focus is due. You can't just expect to walk outside and expect an apple tree to just pop-up in your yard, fully grown and be ready to be harvested... REALITY CHECK! You need to get down on your knees and plant those seeds and wait... Your work will give you results, if you've invested in the right "focus".

T. Harv Eker provides an analogy as follows:

If I asked you if you could walk a mile - you'd probably say "ya sure I could do that".
If I asked you if you could run a mile - you'd probably say "what? no - couldn't... well maybe... but it would be hard".
If I asked you if you could walk 25 miles - you'd probably say "ya but again it would be hard and long..."
If I asked you if you could run 25 miles - you'd probably say "what are you crazy, I couldn't run 25 miles straight through without stopping!"
If I asked you then if you could run 25 miles in a year - you'd probably say "well maybe I could do that"
I would then ask: "how and why would in a year from now be so different?"
You'd say: "Because I could take the time to train. I could pace myself and by next year I could be ready."

Key here - is training; knowledge and belief.
If you train YOU (Physically) by knowing what to do (Knowledge - Mental) then you believe (Spirit) that you CAN do it - and then before you know it you're running 25 miles!

The mind is a powerful tool. It holds millions and millions of files filled with information we gather from every day, every moment of our lives. Those files are what creates our belief system. If even one of those files is filled with false information, this can cause us a blockage. Now if multiple of these files are filled with false hope; false values; empty promises; restrictive beliefs... all of this is limiting ourself from our own success.
We are stopping ourselves because of what we think we know, of what we think is right... You need to look deep and find those files, identify them, and change them. Allow yourself to replace those files, or at least some of them, with new - up-to-date - real information.

If as a child you were always told that you need to work to get what you want and that nothing in life is free... then what are your files telling you?
"Don't accept anything from anyone cause it's not really Free..."
"Don't offer anything to anyone cause you'll end up paying for it..."
"If it's easy, it's no good - you need to work hard for things to have value..."
Wow... those are some messed-up files!
You need to find those and change them fast!
...cause this blog you are reading... it's easy to read and it's free!

Humm... got you thinking, right?

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