
Where do you fit in what you do?

Sometimes I don't know how to share ideas cause I sometimes don't think people completely understand what I'm trying to explain. Explaining things out-loud at times doesn't serve the idea or concept being shared, true meaning. And because not everyone thinks the same way it's hard to conceptualize an idea so generically for all to understand.

I worry that people will interpret what I'm saying in the wrong way.
I worry that people might spread my idea inappropriately or destroy its value by broadcasting it too openly.
I worry that people think they understand when in reality they really don't.
I worry that people... are people, unlike me.

So how is it that some people are able to share everything they know and not have these worries?
How can some people simply let-go of the ownership of their thoughts?
Is it because they believe that sharing is growth?
The more your give the more you'll receive, thus the more you share, the more you'll learn.

The more you know, the more you want to  know, the better it is to know, the better you become.
Life is about learning: Information is knowledge.

"Remember, life is not a destination, it is a journey. Enjoy the ride." Karen Hourtovendo

I guess if everyone did think the same way the world would probably be very automated and boring. I don't think it would work since who'd want to do the jobs that none of us want to do? Who'd learn all the stuff that we'd all not want to learn? Who would pick up my garbage every week? Who would clean the city streets?

In every work environment there are a wide range of people - different people types. They do what they do and I do what I do. We're all different. Some more then others, but thank goodness we're all different.

Now looking at what you do:
  • what brings you to what you do? 
  • did you end-up choosing your career / lifestyle or did it just gradually happen? 
  • how do your skills fit in?
  • what interests do you have?
  • what are some of the things you like (i.e. hobbies)?
  • what types of places do you like?
  • what makes you happy?
  • what would you want to do?
  • where would you like to go?
  • what is the core of your career?
  • what do you contribute?
  • what is the Big Picture of what you do?
  • how does what you do make a difference in other people's lives?
  • what is the essence of what you do right now?
  • what represents [love, happiness, fun, peacefulness, family, success, etc.] to you?

In reading Stephen Covey's book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , Stephen discusses goals, dreams, purpose, mission. He provides an excellent breakdown of some of the questions we ask ourselves:
  • What do you want to do? [Desire] = Passion
  • What can you do? [Ability] = Talent
  • What should you do? [Purpose] = Mission
  • What must you do? [Need] = Abundance
Once you review your 'likes' and 'dislikes', decide exactly what it is you want to accomplish, then put it down in writing, and review it on a daily basis. Bring your goals into reality.

When I mention career in this article I am generalizing it to anything you are doing as a lifestyle. If you are committed to repeating a task day after day after day - I would say that, for now, it's your career, that is what you do.

i.e. If you are a stay-at-home mother - you are a teacher; coach; chef; housekeeper; book keeper; etc...
This is your career, your lifestyle - for the time being (because at some point, these children are going to leave - then what?).

In reviewing these questions, look deep within yourself and try to see where you fit, what is your purpose...
In mentioning purpose, I leave you with this video:

Pursue Your Passion by Kirk Nugent

Leaders and Followers: How to Start a Movement

Derek Sivers: How to start a movement | Video on TED.com

As Derik Sivers describes a movement, he states: "Leadership is over glorified. ...it was really the first follower that transformed the lone nut into a leader.... If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow."

So what does this mean to you? How does this apply to your life?

Life is full of "movements". I know I can't be a leader for everything / everyone but I sure can pick and choose who I'm following or what I choose to lead.

I follow leaders who represent truth - what I believe is 'my' truth. If I were to tell you that I'm a follower of Personal Development and Positive Alignments, this would be my truth, my paths. You, as an entirely separate person, might not have the same 'truths' or 'paths' thus wouldn't necessarily choose to follow the same leaders I do. And that's perfectly fine. Just know who you choose to follow.

Also to take into consideration is the number. If you start to follow a movement and then another, and then another... just remember that too much of a good thing can be bad. You can't be a good follower if you're following too many leaders.

On the flip-side, if you decide you want to be the 'lone nut' or aka 'leader' then you also have responsibilities. If you have followers, they are there because they believe in you, they believe in what you are representing, they believe in your leadership. Wow that's a huge responsibility! What can you do about this? Nurture your followers and allow them to self-develop and teach them what you know. Doing so spreads that responsibility and accountability to the entire "crowd". It now becomes not just what you are saying / doing but what everyone in this movement are saying / doing. Create the momentum, share the acknowledgements, and thrive on the growth!

Tips for Hanging Picture Frames and Framed Art

To See Visual Examples and Explore more options, visit my one of my Pinterest boards:  http://pinterest.com/tammymathieu   General Hang...