
The Anger Game (Poem)

Woke up one morning and had these words come out on to paper. They were like dream words that I just needed to put down. ...not saying that it all makes sense - but whatever sometimes, things just come out the way they do for one-reason-or-another? Either way, here they are...

The Anger Game
by Tammy Mathieu

Walking robots
Stalking one another
Trying to out-beat each other
Aiming for the same piece of pie

When one wins
Cause that's how it is
The other just crawls away 
And deep down inside dies

Why - Why must we shallow
To run the same race
The same face, same pace
Are we not - no

No - is a complete sentence
That no one chooses to acknowledge
For fear that well just for fear
Fear is our power

Everything is based on fear
Instead of love
We say we're doing it out of love
But really, truly, look inside and fear is what you'll find

Unleash and let go
Of all that you control
For as long as you keep holding
Your pain will continue and theirs will too

You know who / what I'm talking about 
The fear of loosing the fear of choosing
The fear of not knowing
The fear that consumes you
The fear that controls you

You live it
You feel it
You protect it
You are it... that's the fear
Yup, that's the one

So now what?
Now that you know it's there
That feeling of dispear
...now what, I'm scared

You embrace it
Acknowledge it
Breathe it and then... let it go!
...Release... and return to LOVE

Everyone is scared
That's what we've been taught
That's all we know
That's how we "roll"

Lock your doors
Lock your drawers
Lock your souls
For you life, your love, your happiness needs to hide
Forever behind those doors
Where it's safe, or in the safe...

If your happy there's something wrong
It's not fair
You're not allowed
Who gave your permission
To be so priviledged

The drama, the cries
The stories, the lies
Who, but who would 
Allow you to go there?
Who, but who can allow you
How dare you
Not be the same
How dare you 
You not play the "game"
 It's anger that's who
It's anger at you

Aren't you not just a person
A person of earth
Aren't you not just a person
A person of hurt

How dare you forgive
And go beyond
How can you live
And love this world...

This world that gives you
Water to drink and air to breath
Soil to walk on and things to eat

How dare you be grateful
And learn to let go and allow things
How dare you, How dare you... to flow
How dare you, be without me.

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