
Blogging - Tips on Getting Discovered (from the good people at CISION)

This tip sheet from CISION dates back a few years but still highlights some great tips!

To read the CISION EXECUTIVE TIP SHEET: This Blog's For You <-- Click title link.

While the paper goes more in depth as to what you should do / look for; some of the key highlights in helping you get discovered online include:

► LINKS: Are other bloggers linking to and discussing the blog’s content? While a number of services track statistics on how often a particular blog is cited by others, discovering whether a mention of your product or service on a blog is generating buzz can be done with a simple Web search for key phrases from the post. Depending on your goals, just two or three links to the post can result in successful impressions on the right audience. Keep in mind that only about 50 blogs on the web today average more than 20 citations elsewhere per day.
► UNIQUE VISITORS, RSS AND E-MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: Some blogs provide data about how many visitors and subscribers they have on their home page or on an About Us page. 
► POST FREQUENCY: Once you have determined that a blog is fairly popular, the frequency of new entries is a good indication of how often a blog’s readers are visiting the site. Frequency of posts should not be used as a primary parameter since there is always the possibility that a dedicated blogger is just shouting into the void with little or no audience. There is, however, a strong correlation between how frequently a blogger posts and the size of the blog’s audience. Among the top 200 blogs on the Web, ranked by Unique Visitors per Month, those that average at least three posts per day have two-and-a-half times as many visitors as less frequently updated blogs. 
► SOCIAL NETWORKS AND BOOKMARKING UTILITIES: Many blogs include links to a variety of social tools for bloggers. Yahoo’s MyBlogLog allows users to join a community of fans of a particular blog. The blog Lifehacker, for example, has more than 6,500 community members on MyBlogLog. Bookmarking utilities such as Del.icio.us (owned by Yahoo) and Digg allow users to bookmark blog posts and share their bookmarks with others. These sites then list the blogosphere’s most popular posts. A blog post can quickly gain steam this way - the most popular posts on Digg usually receive several thousand bookmarks (or “diggs”) within 24 hours of being posted. Searching social networks such as Facebook and MySpace for mentions of a particular blog can also help determine a blog’s popularity.

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