
Team Membership and Leadership - Points to Ponder

I am willing to give credit where credit is due - however I do not know the source of the below lists. If you know where these points come from or who authored them, please let me know so that I can add appropriate footnotes. Thank you.

8 Points to Team Membership

1. Understanding the Context and Purpose
2. Contribute ideas
3. Listen
4. Accept Decisions
5. Clarify Tasks
6. Co-operate
7. Accept Coaching
8. Demand Review

Team Member Traps

1. Keeping quiet
2. Not listening
3. Getting on with your job regardless
4. Doing other people's work
5. Wandering off
6. Fragmenting the team
7. Proving you were right
8. Ignoring Coaching

8 Points to Team Leadership

1. Explain the Context and Purpose
2. Identify the critical issues (separate from constraints)
3. Encourage contributions
4. Make Decisions
5. Assign Tasks
6. Monitor Progress
7. Coach
8. Review

Team Leader Traps

1. Not seeing members' point of view
2. Getting over-involved in the action
3. Feeling that you have to have the answer
4. Being the technical expert
5. Ignoring social and programming issues
6. Fixating on one issue
7. Fear of standing out

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