
Living Life on Purpose

Each of us has a role in life and each one of us is part of a 'bigger' system [the Universe].
As the current system stands we know that there's work to be done.

As a role, if each person helped assist one other individual in a life changing choice, a difference is made. Then, if that person helps in the same way someone else our original good deed is amplified; we've created a "social wave".

The system [the Universe] is connected to me, it's a part of me, it's why I exist - without it there's no way I could be. Each stage of my existence is based on the choices I made. These choices, in connection to the Universe, is what got me to where I am. Whether good or bad, those choices got me here, got me to "my" now. If I had chosen to make my decisions based on other people's choices, then I would be "them". Which is impossible. Even if two individuals were to make the same choices, the Universe's impact on their life, their thoughts, their emotions would eventually produce different results. There can be no two of you, just as there are no two of me.

Society, surroundings, education, peers, etc. all these influences do ultimately impact some of our choices. This is where the Universe allows our humanly nature to take place and thus provides us with life-lessons. Some people choose to continuously repeat, re-live, these life-lessons internally ignoring the Universe's call out to them. They choose to live 'their' life as they please continuously aiming at perfecting something that doesn't exist.

Again, we are part of the Universe and so we are perfect beings. This whole [Universe, God, Buddha, Karma, Source, Light, ...whatever you want to call it] is all that is good, all that is love. Our link, our connection to this 'whole' is our spirit, our soul, it's our connection to Love. Whether you live consciously with a soul or choose to ignore it, either way it's there. You sense it, you feel it, you know it.

When people choose to live 'humanly soul-less' they choose a life-journey continuously looking for something to fulfill a continuous 'gap'. This is where addictions fit in. This is where neglect fits in. This is where 'hurt' is. This is where 'fear' lives. This is a life without belief, without faith, without hope. If I choose to be this way, then I choose to no longer be "me", severing my 'connection' with the Universe and thus living a 'human soul-less' connection based on human rules and regulations created for power and control instilling in me the most powerful obsession of all: fear.

Limiting myself to human-worldly ways, I would allow society to choose my destiny by having them grade me and then accepting it as so. I can only grow as much as I allow myself to grow intellectually since... well I'm not smart enough; I'm not worthy enough; I'm not good enough..

How can this be true if I'm connected to the Universe? How can something, someone, that comes from that whole be not smart enough? It simply isn't true. The whole concept of being smart, being good enough, being worthy is all humanly measured. These measures are rules of this earth and can't be used anywhere else. When I return to the whole, when I return to the Universal Source will I be taking these 'measures' with me? Will God even care that I can't do algebra?

I am me. I am who I am. And my life has meaning. I will make mistakes; and from these I learn. If I wait for others to fall; if I wait for others to pave the way; if I wait for others... I'll never see life with opened eyes, since I will be seeing things through theirs. I need to climb, to grow and to fall in order to discover who I am.
If I never fall, my journey has already failed. If I never climb I will never feel freedom.

Allowing myself to stay closed in a box can provide me with a sense of security and comfort. However opening up that box and stepping out allows me to become free and allows me to stretch and freely breath what I'm allowed to breath. I'm allowed to get out. I'm allowed to have openness and freedom. I'm allowed to be me.

Can I help anyone else with their 'life-lessons'? Yes! Helping others is a wonderful experience, but maybe the question to ask is: Can I allow others to help me? Living in fear, makes me answer no. Living in denial, makes me answer no. Degrading my self-worth, makes me answer no. Thinking I'm not worthy, or that no one will want to, or that I'm a burden, makes me answer no. Pushing my ego aside, allows me to answer yes. Living in love, allows me to answer yes. Choosing to accept and receive the Universe's gift to me, allows me to say yes.

How does "what you do" allow you to move with flexibility and connect with others?

Allowing my growth to expand is to also allow my learning skills to broaden. Those surrounding me impact me in the ways that I allow them to. I must choose what to keep; what to pass on; and know when to just keep walking. Listening to that inner-spirit [Holy Spirit; Feeling of love, of good; your "Third" eye; whatever you call it] and allowing it to communicate through you will provide you and whomever surrounds you with nothing but love.

My status as an individual has an effect on life, my life. I can't change anyone else's life because they need to make their own choices. I can only be a model and share stories that can help form a pattern to assist others in creating their own results.

My choices are mine. My mistakes are mine - they're made by me, by my choices. They weren't anyone else's - because I made them. As long as I learn from my mistakes, then they're no longer mistakes but life-experiences. I accept my choices knowing that my path is being built continuously, by me - and this path [mine] isn't complete... because my choices are still not done.

I leave you with this extract from the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson.

"One of the most freeing techniques provided us in A Course in Miracles is a prayer on page 83 of the Text, in which we instruct the universe to undo our errors:
"...the first step in the undoing is to recognize that you actively decided wrongly, but can as actively decide otherwise. Be very firm with yourself in this, and keep yourself fully aware that the undoing process, which does not come from you, is nevertheless within you because God placed it there. Your part is merely to return your thinking to the point at which the error was made, and give it over to the Atonement in peace. Say this to yourself as sincerely as you can, remembering that the Holy Spirit will respond fully to your slightest invitation: 
I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.
I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.
I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace.
I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit will undo all consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him.
I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for me."
And that's it! It's a course in miracles, not a course in moving furniture. 'Miracles reverse physical laws. Time and space are under His command'." 

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